Dense Plasma Focus (DPF)



Provide an ultra-short pulse (USP) nuclear survivability test capability with specific USP neutron environment present following nuclear weapon detonations. This test capability is required for survivability and vulnerability assessments of strategic weapons and subsystems while operating in the USP neutron environment. DPF provides relevant Department of Defense weapons and subsystems to empirically qualify survivability in extreme operationally relevant environments.


The DPF project was established to further advance nuclear survivability test capabilities as outlined in the major use cases identified in the Pulse Neutron Environment (PNE) Test Capability Requirements Document (TCRD). The DPF project is a Tri-Service effort between the United States Navy (USN), United States Air Force (USAF), and led by the United States Army (USA) that provides a capability to do ultra-short pulse (USP) neutron environment survivability and vulnerability testing in accordance with the TCRD. The DPF capability will be developed for, fielded to, and sustained at the US Army’s White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) White Sands Test Center (WSTC) Survivability, Vulnerability, and Assessment Directorate (SVAD). Other stakeholder agencies include the Department of Energy (DOE).

System Interdependencies


Foreign Military Sales



  • Verus Research