Opposing Force Surrogate Wheeled Vehicle (OSWV)



Opposing Force Surrogate Wheeled Vehicle (OSWV) - Supports the CTC OPFOR capability by providing wheeled Armored Personnel Carriers (APC), artillery, RSTA, technical vehicles, and Civilian on the Battlefield Vehicles (COB-Vs). This capability provides an accurate replication of OPFOR and COB-V environment that rotational units must train against.


The OSWV fleet is a collection of wheeled vehicles, used as training aids to portray threat vehicles including tactical vehicles, technical vehicles, and Civilian on the Battlefield vehicles (COB-V). These vehicular training aids are essential to the Army's ability to simulate the capability of enemy maneuver forces countering Unified Land Operations (ULO) during Maneuver Combat Training Center (MCTC) Decisive Action (DA) rotations. Each type of OSWV is composed of three components: the vehicle, a visual modification (VISMOD) to make it appear as an OPFOR vehicle, and the Tactical Engagement Simulation System (TESS) with the instrumentation system (IS) required to participate in CTC rotations. Both TESS and IS are developed under the I-MILES and CTC-IS programs of record, respectively, with their own inherent requirements.

System Interdependencies

  • Instrumentable – Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (I-MILES)
  • Home Station/Army Mobile Instrumentation Training System (HITS)
  • Combat Training Center-Instrumentation System (CTC-IS)
  • I-MILES vehicle system (TBD)

Foreign Military Sales


Organic Depots Used

  • U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) (Warren, MI)
  • Red River Army Depot (RRAD) (Texarkana, TX)
  • Rock Island Arsenal (RIA) (Rock Island, IL)
  • Anniston Army Depot (ANAD) (Anniston, AL)
  • Sierra Army Depot (SIAD) (Herlong, CA)


  • None