Simulation to Mission Command Interoperability (SIMCI)



Simulation to Mission Command Interoperability (SIMCI) enables collaboration and coordination between Mission Command (MC) and Modeling and Simulation (M&S) communities to solve interoperability gaps with legacy and future capabilities, programs, policies, directives, and procedures.


SIMCI provides the following: (1) Advisor to Army Organizations and Leadership --improve MC and M&S interoperability programs, policies, directives, resourcing, and procedures; (2) Technical Investment -- sponsor/support initiatives that seek common solutions to critical interoperability issues surrounding MC and M&S systems; (3) Outreach -- conduct & participate in interoperability outreach activities. SIMCI investments consist primarily of cost-sharing initiatives and leveraging initial system solutions of acquisition programs to enhance the interoperability of multiple systems across the Army, joint, and coalition environments. SIMCI investments accelerate implementation within MC and M&S systems, of common data models and information exchanges that are used by other services and coalition nations.

System Interdependencies

SIMCI is not a technical solution; it is an effort to increase collaboration and coordination between simulation and mission command communities to enable interoperability.

Foreign Military Sales

