Execute the AR 350-38 Army Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations (TADSS) Maintenance Program for Program of Record TADSS. Provide an integrated maintenance and sustainment contract for Army TADSS, Instrumentation Systems (ISs) and ranges funded directly by the Department of the Army.
The ATMP Contract provides the U.S. Army a seven-year training services contract providing worldwide maintenance, operations and support for TADSS. Full performance began on 1 January 2019. ATMP provides training services integrally related to Army Program of Record (POR) TADSS maintenance directly funded by the Department of the Army. The ATMP Contract is a single award based on market research, cost analysis, and mission requirements and was competed and awarded through full and open competition. It excludes customer-funded training services not integrally related to POR TADSS maintenance. The program will ensure that all of the specified TADSS are maintained and updated in accordance with mission requirements and constraints. PL TSO executes Program Management and contract oversight.
System Interdependencies
Project Managers Synthetic Environment (PM SE); Soldier Training (PM ST); and Cyber, Test and Training (PM CT2) provide life-cycle updates to associated TADSS to include concurrency, technical refresh, and obsolescence upgrades. These efforts assist PL TSO with extending TADSS useful life and lowering sustainment of fielded systems. ATMP provides detailed maintenance, sustainment, and engineering analysis of fielded TADSS to the PMs to form life-cycle investment decisions and development efforts for future TADSS.
Foreign Military Sales
ATMP is used to maintain FMS TADSS identical to Army Program of Record (POR) TADSS where it provides economies of scale.