To provide aerial targets and scoring systems in support of Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Standards in Training Commission (STRAC) Department of Army Pamphlet 350-38 training and qualification tables.
Crew gunnery and live-fire training are conducted using aerial targets. The targets are representative of unmanned aircraft systems and tactical fixed-wing aircraft that could be employed against U.S. forces. These targets must be capable of representing generic threat characteristics and must allow the ADA weapon system crew to employ missile and gun systems to engage and destroy the target systems. ADA unit training programs must result in demonstrated tactical and technical competence, Soldier confidence in their weapon systems, and the abilities of our Soldiers to employ their weapon systems in a field environment. The program has expanded to provide support to USMC MANPADS qualification training, Navy fleet certification training, and Combat Training Center surrogate threat UAV support, and a wide variety of Army, Navy, USMC, and Air Force research, development, and test missions; joint and coalition exercises, and Foreign Military Sales cases.
These systems are available for use on DoD test or training ranges within the Continental United States (CONUS) and overseas, as well as in support of Foreign Military Sales cases.
System Interdependencies
Foreign Military Sales
- Australia
- Israel
- Jordan
- Japan
- Portugal
- Romania
- NATO Supply and Procurement Agency