FASIT - Basic Army Target Lifters (BATL)



To provide presentation devices, Stationary Infantry Targets [SIT], Stationary Armor Targets [SAT], Moving Infantry Targets [MIT], and Moving Armor Targets [MAT], that support the full scope of live-fire training on military ranges worldwide. The BATL will replace various commercial live-fire range target lifters which will lead to the Government's ability to provide a 20-year life-cycle management strategy that enables effective, reliable, and affordable training products for the Army. BATL will provide common target lifters capability for all ranges identified in Army Training Circular (TC) 25-8.


BATL provides Army Live-Fire ranges with stationary and moving Infantry and Armor target devices. The targets devices will be manufactured using a Government designed technical data package that utilizes Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) products. The BATL is integrated into the Targetry Range Automated Control and Recording (TRACR) II range control software for a seamless operator experience. 

System Interdependencies

  • LT2 Product Line Components
  • Common Training Instrumentation Architecture (CTIA)
  • Targetry Range Automated Control and Recording (TRACR)
  • Battlefield Effects Devices (BES)

Foreign Military Sales



  • General Dynamics Mission Systems (Orlando, FL)
  • Theissen Training System (Gainesville, FL)
  • Shock Stream Technologies (Orlando, FL)