To increase Soldier lethality by modernizing small arms live-fire training ranges and combat training centers with more realistic and unpredictable targets.
The FASIT TMT system will augment Infantry Platoon/Squad Battle Courses (IP/SBCs) and Sniper Ranges with armored infantry and vehicle moving target platforms. The TMTs will not require berms for protection, nor will be limited by track paths and distances. TMTs will be able to travel on user defined paths, perform reactive behaviors, and advance to or retreat from a shooter. The TMTs are integrated with the Targetry Range Automated Control and Recording (TRACR) II range control software for a seamless operator experience.
System Interdependencies
- LT2 Product Line Components
- Battlefield Effects Devices (BES)
- Targetry Range Automated Control and Recording (TRACR-II)
Foreign Military Sales