The institutional and unit Improved Stinger Troop Proficiency Trainer v2 (I-STPTv2) supports MOS 14S institutional and provides the ability to train MOS 14S, 11B and 19D at the unit. The I-STPT II provides training for the Stinger Team tasks for 14S MOS at Ft Sill OK and (varied MOS) Stinger teams at units. These systems provide critical enduring training for Air Defense Artillery soldiers supporting the Short-Range Air Defense (SHORAD) mission
The Improved-Stinger Trainer Proficiency Trainer is based on the COTS designed Virtual Stinger Trainer (VST). The system is a Virtual Reality based CBT MANPADS training device that provides the latest accepted training capabilities in support of the ADA community for the Stinger Team Crew Training. It supports portable or fixed training sites. The Improved STPT v2 provides Stinger Team (Team Leader and Gunner) operational and tactical training within a 360º immersive, realistic battlefield environment (to include VACR). The I-STPT v2 instructor station provides selection of instructor defined training vignettes (scenarios) to include varying terrain (Desert, Forest, or NCR), moving aircraft targets and countermeasures. The I-STPT v2 includes a detailed AAR/scoring presentation of Gunner actions (IFF, super elevation, correct aim point). The system is currently restricted to indoor use only and limited to single team training. I-STPT v2 supports the After-Action Review at the IOS station. The Air Defense Artillery STINGER training requirements have been incorporated into the I-STPT v2 upgrade
System Interdependencies
Foreign Military Sales