To enhance the ability of the Combat Training Centers (CTCs) to provide effective training feedback to rotation units conducting force-on-force, live fire and combined arms training by allowing the collection of engagement data for analysis and After Action Review (AAR) production.
Combat Training Center-Instrumentation System (CTC-IS) is an information technology based communications, analysis and feedback system at the Maneuver Combat Training Centers (MCTCs) that provides a realistic operational environment for training the brigade combat team and below in preparation for deployment to conduct Decisive Actions. It is comprised of voice, video and data instrumentation subsystem networks that include software, hardware, work stations, base-station equipment, communications infrastructure, voice radios, data devices and interfaces. The Instrumentation System (IS) provides the Observer Coach/Trainers (OC/Ts) critical situational awareness for training safety, analysis and feedback to conduct After Action Reviews (AARs).
CTC-IS is a key part of the Live Training Transformation–Family of Training Systems (LT2-FTS) and is based on the Common Training Instrumentation Architecture (CTIA). Live Training Transformation (LT2) leverages advanced technology in a modular and component-based manner and provides the foundation for common components across the live training product line. Common components such as exercise planning, exercise preparation, exercise control, and AAR preparation and presentation, in concert with CTIA services, processes, rules and standards, support the full spectrum of training. CTC-IS is interoperable with other external systems through Distributed Interactive Simulation or an interface to CTIA services. The CTC-IS program also gives the Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC) a mobile instrumentation system that provides a movable training capability to support the Sustainable Readiness Model (SRM) and Unified Land Operations.
Instrumentation Systems
JRTC-IS : Joint Readiness Training Center - Instrumentation Systems
JMRC-IS : Joint Multinational Readiness Center - Instrumentation Systems
NTC-IS : National Training Center - Instrumentation Systems
System Interdependencies
- Combat Training Center Live Fire (CTC LF)
- Digital Range Training Systems (DRTS)
- Aerial Weapons Scoring System Integration with Longbow Apache Tactical Engagement Simulation System (AWSS LBA TESS)
- Aviation Tactical Engagement Simulation System (AV TESS)
- Instrumentable-Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System Combat Vehicle Tactical Engagement Simulation System (I-MILES CVTESS)
- Instrumentable-Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System Individual Weapon System 2 (I-MILES IWS 2)
- Instrumentable-Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System Tactical Vehicle System (I-MILES TVS)
- Future Army System of Integrated Targets (FASIT)
- Vehicle Tactical Engagement Simulation System (VTESS)
- Integrated Air Defense System (IADS) DRTS
- Common Training Instrumentation Architecture (CTIA)
- Joint Land Component Constructive Training Capability (JLCCTC)
- Direct Injection Jammer (DIJ)
- Independent Commercially Compatible Cellular Network System (IC3NS)
Foreign Military Sales