To enhance training at home stations by instrumenting force-on-force live training exercises for battalion and below units.
Home Station Instrumentation Training System (HITS) is a transportable system able to enhance collective live training at home stations up to the Battalion level. HITS provides instrumentation through automated tools for unit leaders and designated observer-controller/trainers (OCT) to give performance feedback to training units. HITS is an integrated system of computing devices, digital map displays, GPS based tracking radios, laser based simulated engagement gear and wireless communication relays that produce, record, and present voice, video, and data. The training performance feedback can be provided through After Action Reviews and Take-Home Packages. As part of voice communications, HITS accepts SINCGARs radio transmissions. Since HITS is fully integrated with the Live, Virtual, and Constructive – Integrating Architecture (LVC-IA), it is interoperable with other simulation systems.
System Interdependencies
With Other Products Listed in this Publication
- Live Training Transformation (LT2) Common Training Instrumentation Architecture (CTIA)
- LT2 Product Linc Components
- lnstrumentable-Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (I-MILES)
- Live, Virtual, Constructive - Integrating Architecture (LVC-IA)
Foreign Military Sales