Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS) provides a single platform that allows the Soldier to Fight, Rehearse and Train while also enabling Soldier training at the Point of Need (PoN). Squad Immersive Virtual Trainer (SiVT) Capability will allow for the rapid conduct and repetition of squad-level training in a mixed reality-based synthetic environment.
- Enable training on common battle drills and provide a realistic simulation of the operational environment
- Permit training scenarios to be quickly and easily developed and modified by warfighters to suit specific training requirements
- Capture performance data and provide an After Action Review (AAR) Capability
Critical Deliverables for the Squad Immersive Virtual Trainer (SiVT) Capability:
- Training Simulations Software (TSS): Organic Squad with Artificial Intelligence Semi-automated Force and Wrap at Platoon level, Nett Warrior interoperability, Interactive Voice Commands with Semi-automated Forces Avatars
- One World Terrain (OWT): Scalable Terrain with 1,000M Observation of Effects and Enablers
- Training Management Tool (TMT): Scalable Scenario Editor/AAR with Local Repository and AAR Analysis Tool, Selected Individual Task Development Toolkit
SiVT also virtually enhances Live Environment for Squad Collective Task and Battle Drill Training by the following:
- Synthetic augmentation of real world allows immersion in realistic training environments
- Leverages Synthetic Training Environment (STE) One World Terrain for mission planning, rehearsals and squad training
- Enables “reps & sets” to acquire and master collective close combat skills
- Soldier-enabled scenario creation tool for customization and execution
- Integrates organic squad weapons virtual training for force on force and on virtual target
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) for thinking and learning opposing force (OPFOR) and performance analytic tools
- Biometric and Advanced Human Performance data collection and analysis
- Synchronization with Squad Performance Model (SPM) data for squad lethality analysis
- Instantaneous AAR with real-time-relevant performance data
System Interdependencies
- Integrated Virtual Augmentation System (IVAS)
- One World Terrain (OWT)
- Common Synthetic Environment (CSE)
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