Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Capability-Instrumentation System (JPMRC-IS)



To enable realistic Army, Joint, and Multinational Home Station Training across the full spectrum of conflict at fixed and exportable training sites in the Pacific Theater, in order to increase Brigade Training Center (BTC) readiness and prepare Soldiers, leaders and units to meet Combatant Commander requirements.


Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Capability-Instrumentation System (JPMRC-IS) is a rapidly deployable instrumentation system which supports live maneuver combat training for Brigade Combat Teams and below in an area up to 20 x 40 kilometers. It is a self-contained system providing an Observer Controller Communications System, Battle Command System, Embedded Constructive Simulation, Training Analysis and Feedback (TAF) workstations, voice and video monitoring, After Action Review (AAR) presentation, and its own power generation.  JPMRC-IS performs the end-to-end mission functions of exercise planning, system preparation, exercise management, monitoring, and control, and training performance feedback through onsite AARs and unit Take Home Packages.

System Interdependencies

With Other Products Listed in this Publication
  • Instrumentation System (IS) Dependencies
  • Core Instrumentation System (CIS) - Generates data for and receives data from the communication system data link
  • ISCross Domain Solution (CDS) - Provides data filtering for movement of data across the Classified/Unclassified boundary the IS
  • Tactical Engagement Simulation System (TESS) - Generates data for and receives data from the communications system data link.

Foreign Military Sales



  • General Dynamics Mission Systems (Orlando, FL)