Instrumentable-multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System Combat Vehicle Tactical Engagement Simulation System (I-MILES CVTESS)



Instrumentable-Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System Combat Vehicle Tactical Engagement Simulation System (I-MILES CVTESS) - Simulate both the firing capabilities and the vulnerabilities of the vehicle as well as to serve as a means to objectively assess weapons’ effects during training; to provide unit commanders an integrated training system for use at Home Station local training areas and instrumented training areas.  To replace Basic MILES, M2000 and MXXI target systems and field in accordance with the Army-wide distribution plan.


Instrumentable-Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System Combat Vehicle Tactical Engagement Simulation System (I-MILES CVTESS) is a laser-based training device to be used on Abrams, Bradley, and Opposing Forces (OPFOR) tanks and fighting vehicles to provide real time casualty effects. It is an evolutionary approach for replacing older I-MILES systems with CVTESS equipment that provides better training fidelity for combat vehicle systems. It will reinforce crew duties, reward proper engagement techniques and develop tactical maneuver skills of armor and mechanized infantry combined arms teams up to brigade level. It provides unit commanders an integrated training system in force-on-force and force-on-target training events at home station training areas through instrumented training. The system interfaces with instrumentation systems at Combat Training Centers (CTC). The I-MILES CVTESS modular design will accommodate new weapons, ammunition and vehicle types. The U.S. Army will field I-MILES CVTESS worldwide in all geographical areas.

System Interdependencies

  • Home Station/Army Mobile Instrumentation Training System (HITS)
  • Combat Training Center - Instrumentation System (CTC-IS)

Foreign Military Sales



  • Saab Training USA (Orlando, FL)