Instrumentable-multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System Vehicle Tactical Engagement Simulation System (I-MILES VTESS)



Simulation of both the vulnerability and the firing capabilities of vehicles, as well as serving to objectively assess weapon effects during training. Provides unit commanders an integrated training system for use at home station, local training areas, and instrumented training areas.


The Vehicle Tactical Engagement Simulation System (VTESS), provides realistic, real-time casualty effects for force-on-force (FOF) tactical engagement training scenarios and integrates into training instrumentation systems empowering high fidelity combined arms combat exercises. The system provides FOF training capabilities for both Tactical and Combat vehicles while implementing a component-based architecture. Additionally, VTESS incorporates Government-owned standards/software, Live Personal Area Network (L-PAN), and Live Tactical Engagement Composition (LTEC). 

System Interdependencies

  • Home Station/Army Mobile Instrumentation Training System (HITS)
  • Combat Training Center - Instrumentation System (CTC-IS)
  • Existing MILES product lines (TVS, CVTESS, IWS, IWS2, MILES XXI, WITS)

Foreign Military Sales

None projected at this time.


  • Saab Training USA (Orlando, FL)
  • Lockheed Martin (Orlando, FL)
  • General Dynamics (Orlando, FL).