
PM SE Project Manager Synthetic Environment


Provide relevant integrated modeling and simulation capabilities to achieve Army readiness.

The Project Manager Synthetic Environment (PM SE) provides relevant integrated modeling and simulation capabilities to achieve Army readiness. It converges virtual, constructive and gaming products into one organizational structure to ensure maximum benefits are derived from their blended capabilities in concert with live training. PM SE enables tough, realistic training through the replication of the uncertainty, stress and complexity found in today’s evolving operational environment. PM SE provides commanders the ability to train the full range of military operations within current or projected training space in large scale home station exercises. PM SE is comprised of four product offices: One World Terrain (OWT), Common Synthetic Environment (CSE), Medical Simulation (MedSim), and Constructive Simulation Support (CSS).

Phone: 407-384-3601




PM TRADE Project Manager Training Devices


Deliver world class training devices and training support capability to America’s Warfighters.

Project Manager Training Devices (PM TRADE) is the Army’s provider of choice for instrumented live training systems and virtual simulation solutions. PM TRADE provides Soldiers, Units, Leaders and Allies via Foreign Military Sales (FMS) with realistic environments and enablers across the spectrum of training to ensure sustainable Readiness.

Phone: 407-384-5201

PM CT2 Project Manager Cyber, Test, and Training


PM CT2 is a highly skilled innovative organization providing advanced technical cyber, test and training capabilities to the Army, other Department of Defense Services and Allied Nations. PM CT2 supports Combatant Commands, Test and Evaluation Enterprise and Special Operations Command with advanced cyber electromagnetic activity (CEMA) and communications network solutions, nuclear and environmental test solutions, and synthetic training capabilities to enable the Department of Defense to achieve Joint All Domain Operations.




Army Threat Systems Program
MDOE Test Bed

PL TSO Project Lead TADSS Support Operations


Execute the AR 350-38 TADSS Maintenance Program, providing integrated training systems sustainment and selected training services world-wide.

Every Soldier in the Army; every Abrams, Bradley, and Apache crew; every Brigade Combat Team going through a CTC rotation, trains using training devices maintained, and in some cases operated, by PL TADSS Support Operations (PL TSO).  PL TSO also supports TADSS required for institutional training (schoolhouse) throughput.

Phone: 407-384-3691

PL TSO Contracts

PdM MedSim

PL IPO Project Lead International Programs Office


IPO builds partner capacity by providing training systems, training and sustainment in conjunction with PEO STRI PMOs portfolio of products. Supports partner nations in line with the Combatant Commander's and the Army Service Component Commander's Theater Engagement Strategy. Operates as a Security Assistance Management Directorate and an FMS Program Management Office in support of the Army Security Assistance Enterprise.

Phone: 407-384-3515


PL ETI Project Lead Enterprise Transformation Integration


Enable army modernization through agile acquisition, innovation, common architecture and modular open system approach, driving synchronization across the project management offices to deliver capability faster to the warfighter.

Phone: N/A